Multiple projects 3.0.0+


One of the new feature of NodeSitecore CLI is the possibility to build and publish mutiple solutions in different directory.

Here is an example of multiple project structure:

├── ns-master-project (Master project)
│   ├── build/
│   ├── package.json
│   ├── master.sln
│   └── .nscrc
└── ns-child-project (Child project)
    ├── build/
    ├── package.json
    ├── child.sln
    └── .nscrc


The important point there, is Master project is dependent on Child project. Each project has, package.json, .nscrc file and a build directory where is installed his Sitecore instance (<outputDir>).

We can use the new extends key configuration to share and inherit configuration between two projects.

Configuration files

We can considere the Master as the project reference. His .nscrc his look like that:

  "currentWebsite": "Master",
  "siteUrl": "",
  "instanceRoot": "<rootDir>/build",
  "websiteRoot": "<instanceDir>/Website",
  "licensePath": "<instanceDir>/Data/license.xml",
  "sitecoreLibrariesRoot": "<instanceDir>/Website/bin",
  "solutionName": "master",
  "buildToolsVersion": "15.0",

Now, we can configure the Child project. Create a new .nscrc file on Child and add this configuration:

  "extends": "../ns-master-project/.nscrc",
  "currentWebsite": "Child",
  "siteUrl": "",
  "solutionName": "child"

The configuration of Child project will be resolved with inherited values from Master and overrided values from Child.


When you run a nsc command on Child, the placeholder <rootDir> will be equals to the Child project path.


To see how the values in the ns-child-project/.nscrc file are resolved, run:

nsc inspect

NPM Tasks

To simlify your workflow with Visual Studio, it's recommanded to create npm tasks in your package.json to clean, build or publish your solution.

For the Master project:

  "name": "ns-master-project",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "scripts": {
    "sc:build": "nsc build --targets Build",
    "sc:rebuild": "nsc build --targets Rebuild",
    "sc:clean": "nsc build --targets Clean",
    "sc:publish": "nsc publish",
    "sc:sync": "nsc unicorn sync",
    "sc:inspect": "nsc inspect",

And the Child project:

  "name": "ns-child-project",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "scripts": {
    "sc:build": "nsc build --targets Build",
    "sc:rebuild": "nsc build --targets Rebuild",
    "sc:clean": "nsc build --targets Clean",
    "sc:publish": "nsc publish",
    "sc:sync": "nsc unicorn sync",
    "sc:inspect": "nsc inspect",

With Visual Studio and NPM Task Runner plugin you're able to run task from UI.


Build & Publish Master from Child project

With CLI it also possible to build the Master project from Child project. To do that, we have to create a second config file named master.nscrc on root on Child project.

It could be something like that:

├── ns-master-project (Master project)
│   ├── build/
│   ├── package.json
│   ├── master.sln
│   └── .nscrc
└── ns-child-project (Child project)
    ├── build/
    ├── package.json
    ├── child.sln
    ├── master.nscrc  <-- here
    └── .nscrc

Then edit master.nscrc configuration and copy the following code:

  "extends": "../ns-master-project/.nscrc",
  "rootDir": "<contextDir>/../ns-master-project",
  "outputDir": "<contextDir>/build"


We override orputDir value to tell the CLI to publish code on the Child level ns-child-project/build.


rootDir MUST be configured explicitly to allow the CLI to solve the configuration of the Master with the right paths.

Finally add theses new NPM tasks in the package.json of the Child project.

  "name": "ns-child-project",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "scripts": {
    "sc:build": "nsc build --targets Build",
    "sc:rebuild": "nsc build --targets Rebuild",
    "sc:clean": "nsc build --targets Clean",
    "sc:publish": "nsc publish",
    "sc:sync": "nsc unicorn sync",
    "sc:inspect": "nsc inspect",

    "sc:master:build": "nsc run sc:build --configPath ./master.nscrc",
    "sc:master:rebuild": "nsc run sc:rebuild --configPath ./master.nscrc",
    "sc:master:clean": "nsc run sc:clean --configPath ./master.nscrc",
    "sc:master:publish": "nsc run sc:publish --configPath ./master.nscrc",
    "sc:master:sync": "nsc run sc:sync --configPath ./master.nscrc",
    "sc:master:inspect": "nsc run sc:inspect --configPath ./master.nscrc",

    "sc:build::all": "npm run sc:master:build && npm run sc:build"


The command nsc run sc:build --configPath ./master.nscrc take ./master.nscrc config file, bind Master NPM tasks like sc:build or sc:publish.

For example, NPM tasks like sc:master:publish will run the sc:publish from Master package.json with the right configuration values. So instead of publishing code on Master, this command will publish the code on Child level (ns-child-project/build/).

Debug configuration

To debug configuration, run this inspect command:

// check config for you current project
npm run sc:inspect

// check Master config on Child level
npm run sc:master:inspect