Package CLI


$ npm install @node-sitecore/cli


  Usage: nsc <command> [options]


    -h, --help        output usage information
    -h, --configPath  Load a configuration file from specific location path


    init      Init a Sitecore Project
    build     Build project solution
    nuget     Nuget commands
    publish   Publish content (Foundation, Feature, Project)
    restore   Restore all NuGet Packages
    ps        Run a powershell script
    run       Run npm script located on <rootDir> configured in your .nscrc file
    unicorn   Perform a Unicorn synchronisation
    inspect   Display values from resolved configuration

  run nsc [command] --help for usage of a specific command.

Load custom configuration file


CLI command accept a --configPath option, available for all subcommand, to configure the location path of your configuration file.

nsc build --configPath ./my-custom.config.json

Build command options

Build your solution depending on your configuration or on the given options.

Option Default value Description
--log-command, -l false Logs the msbuild command that will be executed.
--targets, -t <list> Build Specify Build Targets.
--configuration, -c <config> Debug Specify Build Configuration (Release or Debug).
--solution-platform, -p <plateform> AnyCPU Specify the Solution Platform (e.g. x86, x64, AnyCPU).
--tools-version, -n <version> 15.0 Specify the .NET Tools-Version (1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 3.5, 4.0, 12.0, 14.0, 15.0, auto).
--architecture, -a <arch> Auto-detected Specify the Architecture (x86, x64).
--verbosity, -v <level> minimal Specify the amount of information to display in the build output (quiet, minimal, normal, detailed, diagnostic).
--maxcpucount, -m <cpunb> 0 Specify Maximal CPU-Count to use. (-1: MSBuild Default, 0: Automatic selection, > 0: Concrete value).
--node-reuse, -r <boolean> true Specify whether to enable or disable the re-use of MSBuild nodes (true or false).
--nologo Suppress Startup Banner and Copyright Message of MSBuild.


It also possible to give additional arguments to the msBuild command directly. Just use -- after the command line.

nsc build --targets Clean,Build -- /noautoresponse

With specific paths

From .nscrc
nsc build


buildPaths support glob pattern !

Configuration example:

  "buildPaths": [
    "<solutionPath>",  // use default solution (Base.sln)
    "<rootDir>/**/*.sln" // build all solution
From args
nsc build --paths Base.sln,Other.sln,src/**/code/*.csproj


--paths option support glob pattern !

Publish Foundation/Feature/Project only
nsc build Foundation

Publish command options

By default build the solution (eg. Base.sln) and publish it depending on your configuration or on the given options.

Option Default value Description
--log-command, -l false Logs the msbuild command that will be executed.
--targets, -t <list> Build Specify Publish Targets.
--paths <list> Base.sln,Other.sln Specify the solutions or projects you want to publish.
--configuration, -c <config> Debug Specify Build Configuration (Release or Debug).
--solution-platform, -p <plateform> AnyCPU Specify the Solution Platform (e.g. x86, x64, AnyCPU).
--tools-version, -n <version> 15.0 Specify the .NET Tools-Version (1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 3.5, 4.0, 12.0, 14.0, 15.0, auto).
--architecture, -a <arch> Auto-detected Specify the Architecture (x86, x64).
--verbosity, -v <level> minimal Specify the amount of information to display in the build output (quiet, minimal, normal, detailed, diagnostic).
--maxcpucount, -m <cpunb> 0 Specify Maximal CPU-Count to use. (-1: MSBuild Default, 0: Automatic selection, > 0: Concrete value).
--node-reuse, -r <boolean> true Specify whether to enable or disable the re-use of MSBuild nodes (true or false).
--nologo Suppress Startup Banner and Copyright Message of MSBuild.


It also possible to give additional arguments to the msBuild command directly. Just use -- after the command line.

nsc publish --targets Clean,Build -- /noautoresponse

With specific paths

From .nscrc
nsc publish


publishPaths support glob pattern !

Configuration example:

  "publishPaths": [
    "<solutionPath>",  // use default solution (Base.sln)
    "<rootDir>/**/*.sln" // publish all solution
From args
nsc publish --paths Base.sln,Other.sln,src/**/code/*.csproj


--paths option support glob pattern !

Publish Foundation/Feature/Project only
nsc publish Foundation


Available options: Foundation, Feature or Project